Quotei wanted to cross a last hill from a series of hills and i needed just a few meters more (height) in order to land on the flatland that was after this hill (and spare an hour of walking through the forest) i didn't get enough lift to cross it and i got myself into this situation ...i was just waiting to see if i come across a small place to land or what tree should i choose :D Luckily the road appeared.Aika monissa arviointivirheissä tuntuu olevan taustalla se, että otetaan riskejä koska halutaan säästää vaivaa; yritetään laskeutua narun päähän, lennetään pienillä marginaaleilla esteiden yli, kaarrellaan matalalla jne.
QuoteI thought I could make it over the tree line. I made a BAD decision. I should have landed in the field. Instead, I had to turn at the last minute and land in rotor from the trees. I went from 25 feet to eating dirt in about 3 seconds.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaScVhk3Xxw